Monday, October 6, 2008

Chapter 10

I have not posted for a while (ok lets be honest I got out of the habit of reading the book and have missed the last few chapters) so I want to slide my Ch10 comments in before closing time tonight. Anyway, this was interesting. I have not thought much about the extent to which we will be able to understand God's character throughout an eternity with Him, the idea that Grudem puts forth here that even then we will never understand all of God, but will learn more about him constantly (maybe it is asymptotic) is interesting.

The way my mind works, I have wished that we could know more of God, but the important piece to remember is that God has revealed (and continues to reveal) everything that we need to know about him - his character, love, and plan for salvation. In his infinite wisdom, God has realized that there are some aspects of himself that we either don't need to know or are incapable of understanding, or both. The more I think about it, I am glad that we don't know everything about God. Complete knowledge of God would take away some of the beautiful mystery that is our faith. Sometimes not knowing really is better.