Monday, July 28, 2008

Starting out

My Systematic Theology book arrived from Amazon last week. It's a nice, hefty, impressively sized tome.

After looking through the book a bit, I've decided that we will try to cover one chapter a week. There are 57 chapters, so that should get us through the book in about a year. We may be able to shave off a few weeks with some of the shorter chapters.

I'm not sure exactly what the structure will be over the course of the year. I don't know for sure how many other people will be joining with me and, of those, how many will be actively posting here. My plan is to spend some time each week reading the chapter, studying the relevant scriptures myself, answering the questions at the end of each chapter and posting any insights that I have here on this blog. The pace of one week per chapter should allow people to go as in depth as they would like on the week's topic while still having time to study other things.

For this week, I'm going to be going through the introduction and the first chapter. If you're doing this along with me, I'd love to know about it. Please post in the comments or drop me an email.

1 comment:

Erik said...

When I got back into town last night, I found my book waiting for me. That is a seriously big book. I'm ready to start reading!