Thursday, July 17, 2008

Systematic Theology

At our last Bible study, I challenged everyone to take time to really look into the things that we say that we believe. To not just get our understanding of the Bible and it's meaning through the teachings of others, but to take the time to study it for ourselves.

I referenced a book that I plan on going through - Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Wayne Grudem). I'd love for all of us to get a copy of this book and go through it together. Not as part of our Monday night meetings, but simply as something which we're doing because we want to do it. I love the idea of all of us spending time each day with our books, our Bibles open and a notebook to write down the things that we are learning.

I've already ordered the book from Amazon and I encourage all of you to do the same. The shipping is free, so I'll let everyone order it themselves rather than trying to do a mass order.

The idea of doing this in a public forum where everyone can see my thoughts and my progress and whether I follow through with this is a little intimidating. And yet, I know that doing it this way is a way to both be accountable and a way to encourage others. So I'd encourage all of you to join me. I'd like to use this blog as a place for all of us to share our insights as we go through this journey. If anyone wants to be given the ability to post on this blog, send me an email and I'll set you up.

I look forward to studying with all of you.

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